Deanna Meyer, of Grease and Grace Art featured in Retro Lovely Magazine
Exciting news for pin up art lovers, and fans of pin up photography. The one and only Retro Lovely magazine has released its first ever edition which is exclusively art. When I saw the call for artists in 2020 I was really excited, as it gave me something to look forward to during quarantine.
If you aren’t familiar, Retro Lovely has a large fanbase. “Retro” photography could be considered a niche audience, but Retro Lovely has several publications under its belt which feature all kinds of pinup genres & art photography.
So Much Variety!
From their website:
This magazine will cater to no one single pinup style. It will bring you Classic Cheesecake, Hollywood Noir, Cabaret, Burlesque, Victorian, Deco, Kitschy, Atomic, Bad Part of Town Rust Queen and every conceivable cross-pollination of these you can imagine. You will find models with and without ink in all manner of settings with all manner of props. You see, Peggy Sue got married and had a little girl and then a granddaughter and now that young lady is a lawyer, but on the weekends she’s a Roller Derby Queen and goes by the name Peggy SoSueMe. She also models and has a devoted fan base who wants nothing more than to pin up her photo as they lead their quasi-past lives.
It’s An Honor to be in Retro Lovely
For years, I’ve admired Retro Lovely magazine. It is a substantial publication, both in print quality (it’s no flimsy rag, it’s actually more like a book) and also in content quality. Retro Lovely is pretty much the place for pinup models to be part of, and has been for years.
It is an honor to have my illustrations included in this art book. Throughout the 100 full color pages you’ll find artwork of all kinds: fine art, illustration, cartoon – you name it. At Mag Cloud’s website you can view samples of this and other editions of Retro Lovely.
THIS WAY TO THE MAGAZINE SHOP <——— Here is where you want to go to get a sample look, and buy a digital or print copy (or both!)
From MagCloud description:
Begun in March 2010. Retro Lovely broke ground on many levels. The name is legendary and though inactive in print for over 5 years has still remained visible and ranks as the 2nd most liked pinup magazine on earth as far as by social media goes. Issue 1-11 were produced by the thousands using traditional offset presses. Resuming in July of 2018, issues 12 and on will utilize print on demand for those ardent fans who still want to hold a magazine in their hands.
Here are those illustrations featured in the magazine, available for purchase as archival quality 11×14″ prints.
As of yet, I haven’t submit pinup photos of myself to Retro Lovely magazine (only my art, so far!) However, I have done several photoshoots with the magazine’s founder/editor, Michael Bann. Under the name Victor Devilbliss, he is a photographer as well. Here’s one of my favorites from 2016! Michael is a super fun dude to work with, if you have the chance, go for it!
Hello, I’m Deanna. Creating little worlds is all I want to do.
I spend my days in my illustration studio, surrounded by herbs and antique curiosities, in rural Pennsylvania. I enjoy many interesting adventures with my husband, daughter, and Shmoop, the “Office Cat.”
Since I was a young child, I’ve been creating. Some of my earliest memories are of drawing historic clothing, making fairy tale paper dolls, and designing my own “book covers.”
The work I make is influenced heavily by my affinity for historic eras: Color palettes, patterns, textures, architecture, typography – the list goes on. From Medieval to Mid-Century, I love it all.
My preferred method of working is to begin with a traditional sketch in pencil on paper, and then to colorize the image digitally. It’s a two-step process that allows for flexibility and speed, without sacrificing quality. I’m also quite adept at drawing and painting in miniature.
If you don’t want to miss anything, follow IG: #deannameyer for illustration and vintage musings. I’m an artist, herbalist, and mother with Multiple Sclerosis & Endometriosis.
I’m also an official artist of the Brooklyn Art Library’s Sketchbook Project.
— Deanna